In Panama Republic of Panama, Urbanizacion Perjil, Calle 3ra, Edificio PH Barcelona, Local No. 1, telephone No.507 373 4907, 507 788- 6592, e-mail:, web page:
Maritime Professional Institute of Panama está acreditada y autorizada por la Autoridad Marítima de Panamá (AMP) y la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante de Honduras, que son responsables de la Educación y Formación Marítima. Todos los certificados de competencia panameños y hondureños son reconocidos internacionalmente ya que Panamá y Honduras se encuentran entre los países que cumplieron con las disposiciones del Convenio STCW, en su versión enmendada, conocida como la Lista Blanca.
The Training Center accepts all Nationalities. It also helps them get entry visas to Panama, as well as accommodation
Los estudiantes deben cumplimentar un formulario de solicitud y presentarlo al Departamento de Inscripciones.
Attendance in all classroom sessions and field evolutions is mandatory. A certificate of training will only be issued when a passing grade on written and practical testing is obtained. If a student cannot complete a course for any reason, a student is permitted to register and return to complete the course within 12 months at no additional cost. If a student does not complete the course within 12 months, the entire course must be repeated.
Should a student be late to any class that part of class which was missed can be made up after hours at the sole discretion of the course Instructor. Acts of God, transportation delays, sickness, or personal issues which cause a student to be late or absent are all situations which are outside of the control of Maritime Professional Institute of Panama and therefore are not the responsibility of Maritime Professional Institute of Panama.
Las sesiones de clase son de vestimenta informal. En los días de campo de bomberos, los alumnos deben llevar pantalones largos, camisa y calcetines. Se requiere calzado cerrado, como zapatillas de tenis o botas. No se permite el uso de chanclas, sandalias u otros zapatos abiertos. Se recomienda el uso de monos/trajes térmicos. Durante el entrenamiento en botes de rescate o de supervivencia en el agua, los estudiantes deben traer traje de baño, toalla y una muda de ropa.
A pen, pencil, and note paper. All other materials will be provided.
Not all of the information contained in Student Manuals/Handouts will be covered in class; therefore it is recommended reading all handouts in their entirety after class
Se espera que los estudiantes se comporten de manera profesional en todo momento. Maritime Professional Institute of Panama se reserva el derecho de solicitar a un estudiante que abandone las instalaciones por mala conducta en el aula o durante los ejercicios prácticos. Mala conducta es cualquier acción que sea ofensiva o ponga en peligro la seguridad de los estudiantes, instructores o cualquier otra persona.
Con el fin de proporcionar un entorno libre de interrupciones innecesarias, le rogamos que apague los teléfonos. El personal de la oficina atenderá los mensajes si lo desea.
Ciertos cursos tienen requisitos de tiempo en el mar. Estos requisitos son las políticas de la administración del Estado de abanderamiento. Sólo las cartas oficiales de tiempo en el mar o los documentos de baja del marinero son formas aceptables de tiempo en el mar.
Course records are kept on file for a minimum of 5 years. Should you lose your certificate, a certified copy can be produced for you at a nominal fee.
STCW is an acronym for “Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping”. Many people confuse the code itself for the requirement for Basic Training in Safety – often referred to as STCW Training, or STCW Basic Safety Training. STCW Code History: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) held a convention to improve the worldwide standards for safety and training of professional mariners in 1978. The Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Convention established a code adopted by many nations on July 7, 1978 and was named the Seafarers Training, Certification,& Watchkeeping (STCW) Code. Subsequent conventions were held in 1991, 1994, 1995 & 1997, and 2010 to update & revise the code.
Port and Flag State Control are key elements in fulfilling the revisions of the STCW Code. Port State Control is the authority an administration has over vessels operating within their waters (jurisdiction) regardless of Flag. In a nutshell, Port State Control is the oversight and inspections conducted by the administration of the port on a vessel entering their port. The revised Chapter of STCW includes enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of port State to allow intervention in the case of deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment (regulation I/4). This can take place if certificates are not in order or if the ship is involved in a collision or grounding, if there is an illegal discharge of substances (causing pollution) or if the ship is maneuvered in an erratic or unsafe manner, etc. Flag State Control is the authority an administration has over vessels with their own registration (flag) regardless of where they are operating.
Restrictions apply according to the currently payment, cancellation, return policy and the refund request form that must be filled out and submitted to the administration of the MPIP institute.
Efectivo, transferencia bancaria, ingreso en cuenta y tarjeta de crédito. No se aceptan cheques por razones de seguridad.
Una vez confirmados los cursos reservados, se emitirá una factura que se enviará por correo electrónico. El pago deberá efectuarse en su totalidad antes de comenzar el curso.
At least the 4BST are mandatory for anyone who wants to board offshore vessels for more than 72 hours. Many companies require them even for short boarding periods and other special courses according to the type of vessel.
Los documentos varían de un curso a otro. Normalmente son: DNI o Pasaporte para extranjeros y certificado médico de aptitud para los ejercicios. Estos documentos deben entregarse físicamente o escanearse y enviarse por correo electrónico antes de comenzar el curso.
La mayoría de las veces los certificados se expiden el mismo día en que el estudiante termina el curso. La renovación internacional de certificados tarda unos 3-4 días en expedirse. s
Sí, puede enviarse por correo al extranjero o imprimirse en pdf. Recomendamos el correo certificado o los servicios postales privados. Esto se puede organizar y pagar durante o después del curso.
STCW Courses certificates issued by Maritime Professional Institute of Panama (MPIP) full fills minimum requirements of Regulation , Section and Table of the STCW Code on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping, for Seafarers, STCW 1978, as amended also recognized by IMO (International Maritime Organization) and valid worldwide.
La respuesta breve es: si el certificado lleva impresa una fecha de caducidad, no será válido después de esa fecha concreta y será necesaria una formación de reciclaje (si existe) para ese curso o para volver a realizarlo.